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Published: May 26, 2022

'Project Development'

It is not to say it is easy being a writer and that having to write comes naturally. But to build a platform to show your work for the world to see is an incredible journey because it challenges me as a developer. I had this burning desire to build a platform where I could show my work. Finding a solution as to how to do it did not come easily. There is so much more than what I thought goes into it.

Website Aim:

The website aims to display content in a way that best represents the experience of the users' engagement.

Design and Layout:

To build a design and layout that complements the content creation and maintains readability.

Content Creation:

To publish quality content that presents the author's niche in a way that offers a unique user experience.

Media Queries:

To solve problems that enhance the user experience on devices.

Development Maintenance:

To maintain the development process that ensures the platform is updated and valid.

These are only a few categories of things that go into it. Everything else will be too overwhelming. I try to use my skills to their full potential to build a platform that is constantly in pursuit of creating a unique user experience. Through self-development, I have increased my ability to create a platform for my passion.

I have worked on building a fresh new look, so I hope you enjoy it.

This website is constantly updated.
Last Updated: October 2022


#webdevelopment #webdesign #developer

Project Development Updates...

Subscribe to follow my content blog for an inside look at what it means to be a developer and build projects to their full potential. By gaining experience as I go along, I hope to write articles exposing some feedback on the process of being a project developer.

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  • Writing
  • Illustration
  • Development
  • Blog