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Portrait of writer, Dani Bester

Published: 30 March 2022

'Basic Self Development - How to prepare to improve your life'

Self-development is not an easy task. There is planning, scheduling, developing personal goals, and maintaining a good life. What we consider our best is entirely a choice. We can go from great to good and then bad times. I never understood it but, in the circumstances of my life, I always made the best of it. And, with the same optimism, I learned self-development. Sometimes the hard times you go through can bring out the best in you. What does not destroy means you live another day.

Developing myself is a process I take seriously. I know that achieving my goals will bring me closer to my dreams. If you build it, it will come.

Staying focused on achieving my short-term and long-term goals are important to me. Just daydreaming about the things I aspire to will never make it happen. With a plan of action, I will reach my goals. Here are a few tips I use in my self-development plan. I believe that how you spend your time is how you spend your life. Planning my daily, monthly, yearly goals require a certain amount of responsibility, discipline, performance, and commitment. Scheduling my life can become stressful because it is never that simple. There will be bad days that will push me off track. Or something went wrong somewhere.


Illustration of a monthly schedule
Zoom in to view calendar details and events.

To keep track, I log all events, projects, and meetings in my calendar. It gives me a view of what is happening for the month. I prefer using the calendar app on my cell phone when I am on the go. Whenever something comes up, it is easy to update my calendar and receive reminders. I can schedule simple things in my life like birthdays, family events, meetings, appointments, and social events. If there are no events in my life, there is always an opportunity to create time for my goals. By planning my daily progress, I remain focused on my goals.


Illustration of a to-do list for your tasks
Zoom in to view tasklist and to-do list.

Making a To-Do list may seem unrealistic because I might not cross off all the things on my list. Instead, when I create a To-Do list, it depends on what I plan to focus on for the day or week. Having a To-Do list makes it easy to understand what to do. As a content creator, I work almost every day on the projects I have planned. It haunts me when I am not working on my projects. When my project has steps to follow, it gives me an idea of how to begin and end the process.


Habits can come across as a bad thing, or what if I build good habits? How will having good habits impact my life? Building good habits has taught me I can become what I believe. I learned a lesson in music class that, with practice, makes perfect. Questioning how to develop myself brought many answers, of which only a few feel right. Do what is best suited for your lifestyle. I must understand what the possible outcome would look like before starting a new habit. It is how I determine whether it will bring me closer to my goals. I need to know the requirements and the time it takes to complete the task. It can seem like a complicated thing, and it probably is. But eventually, a solution can be found, and there is always room for improvement.

"Life's mishaps lead to innovative thinking. Thinking outside the box is a good quality for self-development."

Illustration of setting reminders and alarms
Zoom in to view event details and reminders.

Once I understand the factors of building good habits, I can implement them in my daily and weekly routines. If my focus is fitness, then I need to create a goal of exercising. By planning to do my exercise in the morning or evening, I set a reminder at AM or PM to make it part of my lifestyle.


To keep track of whether the habits I build are working, I look at the time I spend on my goals and the probability of success. Am I moving closer to achieving my goals? How do I figure out whether it works? I need to log the time. It is a personal audit that will show where my time is going. Productivity plays a role in building good habits. The efforts of my daily work will show in the results. Keeping a log of all my progress will reveal how I am moving forward.

Illustration of a progress tracker
Zoom in to view progress reports.


The world we live in built over time, such as days, weeks, months, and years. I know that building a house can take more than a month, just like building a home can take a lifetime. The time I spend on achieving my goals determines the outcome at its arrival. Whether you left with rethinking it or redoing it, give the same input you will get the same result. Make new moves and get better results. A puzzle can be solved when we look at the picture from a different perspective each time we arrive at the same result. Motivation takes effort in changing your mind about what went wrong. Instead, try to understand by questioning the results to find the loop whole. It's like striving to get it right.

Landscape hiking photo of author, Dani Bester
Zoom in to view.

"My motivation is asking myself how badly do I believe that it is possible, and when it is possible, how would I feel? Acknowledging the reason you want to develop yourself gives you a clear picture of what you want in your life."

Do you agree?


#selfdevelopment #motivation #lifestyle #habits

Preparation for success...

Preparation is an article about preparing for success in basic self-development. Developing myself is not an easy task but organizing and scheduling your daily tasks is easy when using simple tools you already have.


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