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Writers notebook

Published: May 24, 2022

Creative Writing

I have so much creative writing work to do. I am unsure how well-organised or prepared I am to do it. Usually, something sticks out in my pile of work that inspires me to complete it. I then begin the production process to publish it should it exceed my expectation.

Creatively, I am more of a writer inspired by everything I experience and expressing that which is authentic to my passion. Most of the work topics I write about usually end up as poetry. But as a writer, I have pushed myself to trust what I believe in wherever my creative writing takes me.

Lately, the topics I find myself closely exploring is recent events in my life that changed my direction and views on life, love and living.

Last Updated: October 2022

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#creativewriting #poetry

Creative Writing Themes

Writing has to come from somewhere where what we experience is real. These are some of the theme topics I am inspired to write about because they relate to life.


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