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Illustration of a webcomic character

Published: May 26, 2022

Content Illustration

I am secretly scripting the story of Pineapple Boy in Fruit City. This illustration I never thought it would strike me at all. But the character has got me more interested in developing the story. The character creation has been most influential on the events in this story. Sketching the story is a skill I am yet to master, but with self-development, I hope to execute a great webcomic that will be free to all Capetonian Poet viewers.

Digital Illustration has always been my most desirable medium for creating visual art. There is so much technical work in creating a webcomic, a plot and everything. I will be posting updates and snippets on the development of this project. The character development and story of events are a work of fiction for art and entertainment.

Last Updated: October 2022

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#webtoon #webcomic#digitalart #illustrations

Just being sketchy...

Visual art is another medium I dip into for the exploration of my creative side. It is the first time I have ever dabbled in comic drawing since my college days. I would usually doodle and draw stick-figure characters dancing or something at the back of my sketchbook. So developing this story is going to be a lot of sketch work.


  • Writing
  • Illustration
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