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Published: April 2, 2024

Midnight Mirror

The enigma of Elena's legacy.

In the wake of a devastating fire that razes her home and leaves her father missing, teenage Elena is thrust into a world of grief and uncertainty. Little does she know, the tragedy is merely the surface of a deeper, hidden mystery entwined with her family's secret legacy. Unbeknownst to Elena, her lineage is steeped in ancient wizardry, and she is yet to uncover a powerful inheritance that has remained concealed for generations.

Struggling to navigate her sorrow, Elena is haunted by memories of her lost loved ones and plagued by unanswered questions. Her life is a constant battle to move beyond the pain, but the shadows of the past refuse to release their grip on her heart. Amidst this turmoil, a mysterious gift arrives at her home: a beautifully ornate mirror, its origin unknown.

As the full moon casts its ethereal glow, the mirror unveils its magical properties. At the stroke of midnight on every moon cycle, the mirror becomes a portal, opening the way to an alternate dimension of time and space. This enchanted gateway is destined for the next wizard of Elena's clan, a destiny yet to arrive.

Each moonlit night, the mirror beckons, whispering secrets of the universe and offering glimpses into the arcane world that awaits the next wizard. Elena's journey is one of discovery and revelation as she grapples with her family's hidden past, the enigmatic power of the mirror, and the burgeoning identity of the next wizard of the clan.


#midnight #mirror #webnovel #fantasy #fantasy

Published: April 2, 2024

Prologue - 'Lost in the fire.'

Elena walked along the familiar path that led her home from school, her backpack slung over one shoulder, her mind drifting lazily with thoughts of homework. The sun cast long shadows, and the neighbourhood seemed peaceful as always. However, as she approached the corner of her street, an unsettling sight made her heart race.

A crowd had gathered, and the road was inexplicably blocked off. A sense of unease swept Elena as she turned the corner, pushing her way through the gathering onlookers. Her heart sank, and her breath caught in her throat when she saw it - her house, her home, was engulfed in flames.

The fire department had arrived in full force, their hoses dousing the last remnants of the fiery inferno that had devoured everything she held dear. Panic surged through Elena, and she couldn't contain herself. She shouted to the crowd, tears running down her cheeks, "That's my house!"

Desperation gripped her, and she fought to breach the barrier set up by the firefighters. One held her back, their gloved hand a firm but sympathetic restraint. Elena's voice trembled as she called out for her dad, but there was no response.

A firefighter approached the captain and reported that a teenager had confirmed it was her house. The captain, a seasoned figure with a weathered face, made his way over to Elena. He could see the anxiety and worry traced on her face. She frantically tried to explain that she had been coming home from school, vividly recalling seeing her dad that morning before school. Elena needed to know where her father was.

The captain, a man of action, immediately instructed his team to intensify their search of the scene, hoping to find some sign of her dad amidst the charred remains. Meanwhile, he fetched a blanket to comfort the shaken girl, leading her to a designated area away from the tumultuous scene.

Time seemed to drag on endlessly as hours passed, the firefighters meticulously sifting through the debris, their determination unwavering. Elena, too afraid to gaze upon the destruction that was once her home, sat huddled in the blanket, her eyes fixed on the darkening sky. Her thoughts consumed by worry for her father, a gnawing fear growing inside her with each passing moment.

As the stars twinkled overhead, Elena noticed the captain approaching her again. She trembled, her eyes wide with dread, as he drew near. His voice was gentle but heavy with the weight of what he had to say. He informed her that despite their exhaustive efforts, there was no sign of her father or anyone else within the charred remains of their home.

Elena's despair boiled over, and she couldn't contain her anguish. She cried to the captain, quivering, "Where is my father!" The night air carried her plea into the ether, echoing the emptiness that now consumed her world.

eyes fixed on the darkening skies
ashes floating like fireflies
lost in the fire of engulfing flames
memories of you are all that remains

Published: May 10, 2024

Chapter 1 - 'Missing you'

As darkness descended, Elena sat huddled in the blanket, lost in a fog of despair, oblivious to the world around her. Meanwhile, after speaking with the neighbours, a firefighter informed the captain that Elena and her dad were the only occupants of the house; there were no other family members to account for. Concerned for Elena's well-being, the captain decided to enlist the help of a close friend who was a social worker to provide support and arrange temporary accommodation for her.

Shortly after, a car pulled up, and a young woman stepped out, approaching Elena with a gentle demeanour. "Hi Elena, I'm Maxine. I'm here to take you to a safe place for the night," she introduced herself. Elena lost in her thoughts, remained unresponsive. Maxine sensed Elena's distress, leaned in closer and tenderly touched her shoulder. "Hey, are you okay?" she inquired softly.

Elena stirred from her daze, her emotions overwhelming her. With a choked sob, she rose to her feet and threw herself into Maxine's arms. Her eyes flooded with tears as she finally released her restrained emotions. Maxine wrapped Elena in a comforting embrace as tears of sorrow streamed down her cheeks. Later, they both entered the waiting car, ready to be taken away from the scene of devastation.

The following morning, the phone jolted Maxine from her thoughts, and she answered swiftly. It was the captain checking in on Elena's well-being. He instructed Maxine to bring Elena to the police station later for a comprehensive statement regarding the incident.

Meanwhile, Elena awoke to the gentle intrusion of sunlight filtering through the curtains. Blinking away the feeling of sleep, she found herself in an unfamiliar room, struggling to piece together her surroundings. Maxine entered the room, concerned as she approached Elena.

Wide-eyed, Elena recalled clinging to Maxine while escorted to this unfamiliar location. Maxine noticed Elena's confusion and spoke softly, "Are you awake, Elena?" Elena nodded, sitting up and meeting Maxine's gaze. With a comforting smile, Maxine greeted her, "Good morning. I've brought you some clothes and toiletries to freshen up. I hope they're suitable. I've also prepared breakfast, so I'll see you in the kitchen." Elena nodded in appreciation, examining the items before responding, "Thank you, they should be fine."

Elena entered the kitchen. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the thought of crying on Maxine's shoulder like a child. Maxine, ever perceptive, noticed Elena wearing the clothes she had laid out for her. "They look great on you," she remarked casually, trying to ease the tension. "I've made some scrambled eggs, toast, with syrup if you'd like, or there are cornflakes if that's more your thing," Maxine offered, attempting to lighten the mood with a touch of humour. "Isn't that what you youngsters eat these days?"

Elena, shy and uncertain, sat quietly and nibbled on her toast. "Thanks for the... uh," she began, struggling to find the right words amidst her lingering embarrassment. Maxine quickly reassured her, "Don't worry, it's okay," sensing Elena's discomfort. There was a brief pause as they both settled into the quietness of the kitchen.

Realizing it was time to broach the subject, Maxine sipped her coffee while leaning against the counter, subtly steering the conversation towards more serious matters. She informed Elena that the captain had called to check up on her and that she would need to speak with an officer at the police station to discuss what happened. After Maxine had relayed the information, a silence fell over the kitchen, broken only by the sound of Elena biting into her toast.

Later, they arrived at the police station, where the bustling front entrance was a hive of activity, with officers attending to citizens' queries and logging complaints. The room felt chaotic, like a zoo filled with anxious monkeys clamouring for protection from a looming threat. Elena and Maxine entered, navigating through the sea of bustling activity. A tall, black-haired police officer noticed them and gestured towards his desk.

Elena trailed behind, her eyes darting nervously around the room, lost in her thoughts amidst the cacophony of voices. Her emotions churned like the solitary ticking of a clock in a crowded office. Despite the officer's attempts to explain, Elena found it hard to concentrate, the rapid beat of her heart drowning out his words as anxiety coursed through her veins. Then, amidst the chaos, she heard it – her father's name, a piercing sound reverberating in her ears, drowning out the surrounding noise. The room seemed to fall silent, her heartbeat the only audible rhythm.

The officer, sensing her distress, tried to confirm if Elena understood. "Elena, do you understand?" he asked gently, his voice breaking through the haze of her thoughts. He continued to explain that due to the lack of a body at the scene, they needed to file a missing person's report, prompting a series of questions.

Lost in a daze of disbelief, Elena struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Her throat felt dry as she swallowed, unable to tear her gaze away from the officer's desk. Maxine sat beside her, noticed Elena's trembling leg and reached out with a comforting touch. "Elena, are you okay?" she asked softly, the concern evident in her voice.

Elena shook her head, her voice barely a whisper at first, then growing louder with panic. "No, I can't... I need to get out of here," she declared, her words laced with desperation. The screech of the chair echoed through the room as Elena abruptly rose and fled towards the exit, rushing down the steps until she halted in the parking lot.

Her head was spinning with unanswered questions. Elena gasped for air, clutching her head in a dizzying haze. Maxine followed, watching from a distance as Elena struggled to understand. As the weight of the situation bore down on her, Elena felt her strength wane, and just as she teetered on the brink of consciousness, Maxine rushed forward, catching her before she collapsed.

teetered on the brink of consciousness
I fall into the abyss
wondering what I have done wrong
to lose the one I'll miss

Published: July 6, 2024

Chapter 2 - 'Left in a mystery'

Elena slowly opened her eyes in the sterile, bright environment of the hospital room, feeling disoriented and emotionally drained. She saw Maxine sitting by her side, her face engraved with concern and compassion. As Elena stirred, Maxine quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to her, her voice gentle and soothing.

"How are you feeling?" Maxine asked, searching Elena's face for any sign of comfort or distress.

Elena tried to sit up, but her body felt heavy and weak. Maxine noticed her struggle and immediately adjusted the pillows behind her, helping her into a more comfortable position. The effort to move made Elena aware of the weight of the recent events, and a wave of distress washed over her. Maxine, sensing this, felt her worry deepen. She knew that Elena was not coping well with the tragic loss and the uncertainty surrounding her father’s disappearance.

"When we arrived at the hospital," Maxine began softly, "the doctor asked about your family. I hope you don't mind, but I told him there's no one else but me here for you right now. I realized we never really had the chance to talk."

Elena’s eyes filled with tears as she listened. Maxine’s words brought the painful reality crashing down on her. She had lost so much, and the person she needed most was missing.

"Do you have any other family members you could stay with during this time?" Maxine asked gently, hoping to find some way to ease Elena’s burden.

Elena took a deep breath, feeling a surge of sadness. "My mom died when I was very young," she began, her voice trembling. "And my dad never talked much about her. He was all the family I had left."

The weight of Elena’s words hung in the air, and Maxine felt a profound empathy for the young girl’s fear and loneliness. She reached out and took Elena's hand, her touch warm and reassuring.

"You can stay with me," Maxine offered, her voice filled with comfort and determination. "I want to help you through this."

Tears welled up in Elena’s eyes as she nodded, overwhelmed by Maxine’s kindness. Maxine pulled her into a gentle embrace, whispering, "It's okay. Everything is going to be okay."

The room fell silent again, but this time it was a silence of shared strength and understanding.

The quiet was interrupted by a knock on the door. A nurse stepped in, announcing the arrival of police officer Jack, who had come to see Elena. The nurse stepped aside as officer Jack, a tall and composed man, entered the room.

Officer Jack introduced himself and began asking a series of questions about the events leading up to the fire and Elena's father's disappearance. He listened intently, taking notes and assuring Elena and Maxine that every effort would be made to find her father.

"We have already dispatched a search party," officer Jack informed them. "We’ll do everything we can."

Despite his reassurances, the initial search efforts yielded no results, and Elena’s anxiety grew with each passing day. As days turned into weeks, the local police, led by veteran officer Jack, continued their investigation with unwavering determination.

They started with the basics, conducting thorough interviews with anyone who might have had contact with Elena's father in the days before the tragedy. Neighbours, friends, and citizens were questioned extensively. Surveillance footage from the few cameras in town was carefully scrutinized, phone records were reviewed, and every lead, no matter how small, was pursued with diligence.

But each potential clue led to a dead end, and the weight of the situation pressed heavily on Elena. Every time the phone rang, her heart skipped a beat, hoping for news about her father. But the days dragged on without any breakthroughs, and the police were out of options.

Finally, with no other avenues left, officer Jack decided it was time to make a public statement. The plea for information went out across local news stations, social media, and word of mouth. Flyers were posted on every street corner, depicting Mr Hayden Bloom’s warm smile and kind eyes, hoping that someone, somewhere, knew something that could help bring him home.

As the community rallied to support Elena, she clung to the hope that one day, the answers would come and her father would be found. Until then, she had Maxine by her side, offering the strength and comfort she desperately needed to face each new day.

One afternoon, Maxine approached Elena with a concerned expression. "Elena," she began gently, "the principal called today. He wanted to know if you’d be returning to school."

Elena looked up, her eyes tired and distant. She knew Maxine was trying to help, but the thought of going back to school felt overwhelming. Maxine continued, her voice filled with hope, "I really think it might be good for you to go back, to find some sense of normalcy despite everything that’s happened."

Elena sighed, the weight of her thoughts evident. She wasn’t optimistic about returning to school, but she nodded in agreement. "Okay, I’ll go back," she said, though her heart wasn’t in it.

The next day, Elena walked into the school building, feeling like a stranger in a familiar place. The hallways buzzed with the usual chatter, but she felt disconnected. She found her way to her first class and sat down, her mind already drifting to thoughts of her father.

As the day wore on, Elena struggled to focus on her lessons. The teacher’s voice became background noise, drowned out by her relentless worry and the constant replay of the events leading up to the fire. She couldn’t shake the image of her father’s face and the fear of not knowing where he was or if he was okay.

Without even noticing, Elena walked home from school, her feet following the familiar path automatically. She turned the corner onto her street and, as she approached the remnants of her burned house, she looked up and realized where she was. The sight hit her like a punch to the gut, and she collapsed to the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, Maxine arrived at the school, waiting for Elena to come out. She scanned the crowd of students but couldn't find her. As the minutes ticked by with no sign of Elena, worry gnawed at Maxine. She got back into her car, trying to think of where Elena could be. It suddenly dawned on her—what if Elena had returned to the burned house?

Maxine started the car and drove quickly, hoping she was wrong but fearing she wasn't. As she turned down Elena's street, her heart sank when she saw Elena sitting on the pavement, staring blankly at the charred remains of her home. Maxine parked across the street and sat in the car pausing for a moment, watching with concern. She then got out and walked towards Elena, calling her name gently.

Elena looked up as if drawing strength from somewhere deep inside her. She rose and walked toward Maxine, apologizing softly before heading towards the car. Maxine, surprised by Elena’s sudden resolve, turned and followed her back to the vehicle. They drove home in silence, Elena’s face a mask of stoic determination.

When they arrived, Elena walked straight to her room without a word. Maxine dropped her car keys on the counter, watching her with a mixture of concern and curiosity. It was clear to her that something had changed in Elena.

In her room, Elena threw her bag on the floor and sat on her bed, her mind racing. She was determined not to give up on finding her father. She spent hours each day piecing together the events that had led to the tragedy, her thoughts consumed by the mystery.

Elena found herself drawn back to the scene of the fire, desperate for answers. She began leaving school early, sneaking past the barrier around the burned house to search through the remains. She hoped to find something—anything—that would explain what had happened and where her father might be.

Each day, after her covert searches, Elena would return to the front of the school just in time for Maxine to pick her up. She maintained a facade of normalcy, but inside, she was driven by a fierce need to uncover the truth. The mystery of her father's disappearance consumed her, and she wouldn't rest until she had answers.

It was the end of the school week, the final bell rang, and Elena felt a small surge of relief. The school day was over, and she could go back to her search for answers. She met Maxine at the front of the school, her steps heavy and her heart heavier. Maxine greeted her with a warm smile, but Elena could only manage a faint one in return.

In the car ride home, Maxine glanced over at Elena. "How was your day?" she asked, trying to gauge how Elena was coping.

Elena shrugged, staring out the window. "It was okay," she replied, though it was far from the truth. Her mind was still miles away, back at the charred remains of her house, searching for clues, for hope, for her father.

Maxine reached over and squeezed Elena’s hand. "I know this is hard," she said softly. "But we’ll get through it together."

Elena nodded, grateful for Maxine’s support but still feeling the weight of uncertainty pressing down on her. She knew she had to keep going, for herself and her father. And so, despite the overwhelming challenges, she resolved to keep searching for the truth, one day at a time.

heavy is the heart filled with anxiety
I resume life quietly
can't let it go and fade into history
how do I move on when you left me in a mystery

My first webnovel...

This web novel is a dedication to a living and loving memory of my unknown grandfather. I never got to know my biological grandfather because he died in a fire, and the story told is that he committed suicide out of love. The longing to know him brought me to this story.

This web novel is a serialized fiction published by Capetonian Poet. The author will release the chapters periodically, allowing readers to follow the story's progression.