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Published: June 1, 2024

Falling for you after school

Kyla, an only child, has just moved to a new neighbourhood, preparing to start her senior year at a new school. The prospect is daunting, but this year might bring the change she’s been longing for. Adjusting to the unfamiliar environment and hoping for a fresh start, Kyla is eager yet anxious about what lies ahead.

At school, Mia, who was once the new girl herself, has struggled to make friends since her arrival. Shy and introverted, Mia finds it difficult to connect with her peers. However, Mia's luck shifts when Kyla enters the scene. The two are paired together for a class project, marking the beginning of a potential new friendship.

As they work on their project, Mia invites Kyla over for a sleepover to finish their work. During the sleepover, Kyla meets Mia’s older sister, Demi. An unexpected attraction sparks between Kyla and Demi, leaving both of them confused and intrigued. Demi, confident and charismatic, has always been the center of attention but has never truly experienced love.

Demi’s world is turned upside down by her sudden attraction to Kyla. Having never been in love before, Demi struggles to understand her feelings. She is torn between her usual self-assured demeanour and the vulnerability that love brings. Meanwhile, Kyla finds herself falling for Demi, yet feels embarrassed and uncertain about how Demi feels in return. The intensity of her emotions is new and overwhelming, making her question her every move.

As Kyla and Demi navigate their emotions, they begin to explore their growing attraction to each other. Their bond strengthens through shared moments of vulnerability and honesty, allowing them to connect on a deeper level. They confide in each other, sharing their fears, hopes, and dreams. Through this journey, they learn valuable lessons about love and courage, discovering the profound impact of their connection.

The story of Kyla and Demi is one of self-discovery and the transformative power of love. As they open their hearts to each other, they not only find love but also a sense of belonging and acceptance. In each other, they find the courage to embrace their true selves and the strength to face whatever challenges come their way. This new chapter in their lives brings the change Kyla has been longing for and the love Demi never knew she needed.


#afterschool #webnovelseries #sapphicstory #gl #romancenovel

Published: June 1, 2024

Chapter 1 - 'The new girl'

Kyla, the only child of her parents, had recently relocated to the neighbourhood. With her senior year beginning at a new school, she felt a mix of apprehension and uncertainty. As she prepared for her first day, she glanced at herself in the mirror, adjusting her uniform to ensure it fit just right.

Once satisfied, she grabbed her bag and made her way out the door, her parents having already left for work. Walking towards the school, Kyla couldn't shake off the nerves that accompanied starting afresh in an unfamiliar environment. However, she was determined to make the best of it.

Arriving just in time for the bell, she took a deep breath, steeling herself for the day ahead. With a sense of resolve, she entered the school, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that awaited her.

She hurried through the crowded hallways, clutching her books tightly as the bell rang ominously. It was obvious she was the new girl, still learning the layout of the classrooms, and today seemed determined to test her navigation skills. While turning a corridor, she accidentally collided with another student, Mia.

Mia, who had once been the new girl herself, had struggled to find her place. She hadn't made any friends since her arrival and often found herself lost in the sea of unfamiliar faces. But when Kyla bumped into her, something shifted. Kyla quickly apologized and bent down to pick up her scattered school bag, and Mia, though shy, couldn't help but smile in response, keeping her head down.

Seizing the opportunity to finally interact with someone, Mia mustered the courage to speak up when Kyla asked for directions to the English classroom. "Oh, I'm headed there too," she mumbled softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

As they walked to class together, Mia kept glancing back at Kyla, trying not to be noticed. Her face showed confusion; she couldn't recognize the girl and assumed she must be new to the school. Arriving at the classroom, Mrs. Bailey silenced the students to settle down.

Kyla stood at the front of the class as the teacher addressed the students. "Please be seated. Today, we have a new student. Please introduce yourself."

Nervously gripping her dress, she introduced herself, "Hi, I am Kyla Jones."

A boy shouted, "Hi, Kyla Jones!" and the class erupted in laughter. The teacher quickly silenced them and directed her to take a seat.

Feeling a little overwhelmed, Kyla found herself settling into the seat next to Mia. The class began, but Mia's experience was different this time. She had someone beside her, someone who had reached out with kindness.

After the lesson progressed, the teacher informed the class of a group project, pairing up the students. By some stroke of fate, Kyla and Mia found themselves paired together. Mia couldn't contain her excitement; this was her chance to finally make a friend—not just any friend, but someone who understood what it was like to be the new girl.

At the end of the school day, Mia tried to catch up to Kyla, running and stumbling right into her as they exited the school gate. Just then, Mia's sister arrived, honking her horn to get her attention.

Demi, Mia's older sister, had just graduated from university and moved back home. She showed up in a black Jeep, a graduation gift from their dad, and had taken on the responsibility of picking Mia up after school. With her long black hair and beautiful smile, Demi drew the attention of all the boys, who rushed to the gate just to catch a glimpse of her.

Noticing Mia talking to a friend, Demi was surprised to see her waving goodbye to Kyla. When Mia got into the car, Demi asked, "Who is that? Is she your friend?"

Flustered, Mia replied, "Uh, she's just a new girl in my class." Aware that Mia hadn't made any friends, Demi suggested offering Kyla a ride home. Too shy to ask, she hesitated until Demi nudged her. "Kyla!" Mia shouted. "Would you like to come with us?"

Confused by the question, Kyla hesitated. Mia, embarrassed, rephrased it by asking if they could drop her off at home. Feeling awkward under the stares of other students, Kyla walked to the car and got into the back seat.

As Demi watched from the rearview mirror to ensure Kyla was comfortable, Mia, excited about making a friend, forgot to ask where she lived. Demi turned to Kyla and asked, "So, where do you live?" while hinting at Mia, who had a silly look on her face. Kyla replied, "Three blocks away, on 42 Clover Street."

Snapping out of her daze, Mia said, "So, you're new to the neighbourhood. I live on Silicone Crescent, not far from school, but my dad insists on my sister driving me." Kyla remained quiet, prompting Demi to keep glancing at her in the mirror.

Upon reaching Kyla's house, her mother urgently returned home to retrieve some documents she had placed on the kitchen counter. Kyla quickly jumped out and thanked them for the ride. Her mother, curious, tried to see through the car windows. Mia waved excitedly, and Kyla's mother waved back before they drove off.

As they left, Kyla's mother asked, "So, you made a new friend on your very first day?" Annoyed, she replied, "Stop, Mom. I don't even know her. She's just in my class, okay?" Her mother hugged her proudly and whispered, "That's my girl."

Published: July 20, 2024

Chapter 2 - 'The sleepover'

Mia and Kyla had been gradually getting to know each other. Sharing the same class and being partnered for a project, Mia saw this as a golden opportunity to achieve what she always wanted: a friend to hang out with.

A few weeks passed, and Mia had been sticking close to Kyla during break times and class, hoping to spark a friendship. She had always dreamed of having a friend to do fun things with and had even made a list of activities she wanted to do with a best friend. At the top of her list was hosting a sleepover.

Determined to befriend Kyla, she devised a plan. One day after class, whilst packing up their things, Mia turned to Kyla with a hopeful smile.

"Hey, Kyla, I was thinking... would you like to come for a sleepover this weekend?" she asked casually, despite the nervous excitement bubbling inside her.

Kyla looked surprised but intrigued. "A sleepover? Uhm, I don't know," she replied.

Mia's heart sank at Kyla's hesitation. Remembering their project, she quickly added, "I was thinking we could work on our project together since it is due next week and maybe have a fun sleepover."

Kyla didn't seem too keen on the idea and responded, "Can I think about it? I would have to ask my mom."

Disappointed, Mia quietly replied, "Okay," as she grabbed her bag and exited the classroom, feeling downhearted.

Noticing Mia's dejected expression, Kyla suggested, "How about you give me your number, and I'll text you later?"

Mia's heart soared with hope at Kyla's gesture. Although it was not the immediate answer she wanted, she was still glad they were exchanging contact information. Kyla handed her phone to Mia, who was smiling and feeling optimistic.

"Come on, let's go. My sister is probably waiting outside, and you can get a ride with us," she said, grabbing Kyla by the arm as they walked out of the classroom.

At the gate, they met Demi, who was waiting in the car. Demi noticed Kyla and Mia together and greeted Kyla as they got into the car.

The ride was quiet, with only the radio playing. Demi felt suspicious as she noticed Mia watching Kyla in the side mirror and checking her phone. Mia was waiting for Kyla to text her so she could have her number in return.

Demi dropped Kyla off at her home and could not wait to ask Mia what was up. As they drove off, Demi asked, "So, what's up? You seem gloomy."

Mia just sighed and said nothing while staring out the window. When they arrived home, Mia walked to the living room and dropped herself face-planted on the couch.

Demi dropped her keys on the centre table and sat beside Mia, twisting her little sister's hair. "Come talk to me, tell me what's going on. Did something happen between you and Kyla?" she asked.

Mia sat up next to Demi. "Well, I invited Kyla for a sleepover so we could work on our project, but I think I completely creeped her out."

"Why would you think that? What did she say?" Demi asked.

"She said she'd think about it," Mia replied, throwing herself flat onto the couch.

"Oh, come on. At least you tried. That's something," Demi encouraged. "Let's have some ice cream. I got your favourite flavour."

Lying flat on her face, Mia turned to Demi, who was walking away. "Well, she did ask me for my contact."

"See, that's a good sign," Demi replied enthusiastically.

"I guess so," Mia said, taking the bowl of ice cream from Demi.

Back at Kyla's house, she walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, checking for something to eat or drink. Her mother, who was already home, asked about her plans for the weekend.

Kyla grabbed a drinking yoghurt, shook it, and replied, "Uhm, nothing."

Her mom smiled and asked, "What about your friend? What's her name? Why don't you guys hang out?"

While opening the yoghurt, Kyla softly said, "Well, she invited me for a sleepover, but what if it might be weird."

Kyla's mother laughed. "Hey, silly girl, if you want to go, go. Who knows, you might have a great time," she said, brushing Kyla's hair back. "I'm happy to talk to her parents to check if everything is okay. Do you have her number?"

Kyla, chugging down the yoghurt, was surprised by her mom's question. "Uhm, I told her I'd think about it and text her later."

"Well, what are you waiting for? Call her. It's time you had some fun with someone your age instead of being cooped up in your room," her mom said.

Kyla scrolled through her phone for Mia's number and texted her: "Hey, it's me, Kyla. So, is the invitation still open?"

Back at Mia's house, while stabbing a spoon into her ice cream, her phone lit up and beeped on the centre table. Scooping ice cream into her mouth, she leaned over to check her phone. Excitedly, she bit into the spoon and grabbed her phone. It was a text from an unknown number. After reading it, she was thrilled to see that it was Kyla.

Demi glanced at Mia from across the room, curious about the excitement.

Mia mumbled frantically, "It's Kyla! It's Kyla! She texted me back!"

"What did she say?" Demi asked.

Mia, unable to speak with the spoon in her mouth, showed Demi the text message.

"And? What are you waiting for? Reply and invite her over," Demi insisted.

Mia quickly replied to Kyla's text, "Yes, of course. I can have my sister pick you up."

Kyla's phone beeped with a reply from Mia. "Mom, she said yes. Should I go?" she shouted to her mom in the next room.

"Ask her to send her address, and I will drop you off," her mom replied.

Kyla texted Mia, "It's fine. My mom will drop me off. Please send me your address."

Mia replied quickly with her address. She shouted excitedly to her sister, "She's coming over!" and ran to her room.

Demi sat cross-legged on the couch, smiling at her sister's excitement.

When the heart wants what it wants...

This is a heartwarming webnovel series that captures the innocence, excitement, and awkwardness of falling in love. Through tender and honest storytelling, it celebrates the beauty of discovering love for the first time and the courage it takes to follow your heart..

This web novel is a serialized fiction published by Capetonian Poet. The author will release the chapters periodically, allowing readers to follow the story's progression.