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Portrait of the secret keeper

Updated: May 20, 2022

'The Secret Keeper'

Our bodies spoke aloud, yet we never said much.
Our tongue twisted in the sensitivity of lust.

Trembling as if I had never been touched.

Although, seeing believes—I close my eyes.
Every tasteful sensation is a pleasant surprise.

Tell me, how do I lose my power?
Selfish of time to give me an hour.

As the break of day interrupted the moon,
Time ended too soon.

I realise tomorrow has come.
The night is certainly done.

Everything put back into place,
Leaving no evidence, but a memory of time and space.
Sadly, because it ended so well,
It's the best-kept secret I'll never tell.


#keepingsecrets #secretkeeper

From the ebook

The Secret Keeper is a poem with a rhythmic rhyme in the melody of love and keeping secrets. It is those secret moments one could never imagine would happen in life. And when it does, it feels so great. But like everything else, it comes to an end.

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Book cover of first edition by Capetonian Poet


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