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Urban area somewhere in Cape Town

Published: March 30, 2022

'The job hunter and the hunted'

I have seen company to company and employee to employee. Although, what I have noticed is that in the corporate world there is no human factor.

Except for greed.

I have seen the workplace swallow in and spit out people as if they were nothing. I have seen people not only hired but also brutally fired. I have seen colleagues promoted and then become enemies. I have seen liars and then their liars. I have seen people sleep their way to the top and right back down to the bottom. It is a rat race, except there is no finish line.

I have seen overworked moments in people and underpaid angry faces. I have seen people trapped into signing a mutual agreement or screwed out of their jobs. I have seen many tears and broken families, for the boss does not see them. It does not matter how you complain nobody, not one and nor does the company care. The business does what is best for the business. It is a business requirement they say. Whether that means putting your wellbeing at risk or blinding you with empty promises.

Your voice not taken for consideration and your opinion disregarded. Frankly, you are a bolt in the big machine, disposable and replaceable.

The company does not care about you. Moreover, your family or the little time you spend being somebody. Your children might as well grow up in foster care. Because you are barely there as they turn to drugs and fall pregnant. Always working, tired and never home. Too many; I had to work late tonight I am sorry. Your marriage falling apart and your relationships in turmoil. You have grown more grey hair than usual. Happiness has become a figment of your imagination. Your cup filled with the sweetest misery, dark and deceptive.

Choose your job well and decide based on your strengths and weaknesses. Find the balance between your work life and your personal life. Success is something we already are; we just need to pursue it.

So for job hunters, whether it is your first job or last job, take careful thought into what you want in your life and what you will do to get it. With time and hard work, one can have an accountable bank balance.

Although, in the end, true happiness is priceless.


#worklife #truehappiness

From the ebook

The job hunter and the hunted is a poem verse about the corporate world and how it is not for the faint-hearted. Finding the balance between your work life, career, and personal life is not easy. How far will you climb, and how much are you willing to sacrifice?

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Book cover of the first edition by Capetonian Poet


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