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the skin carved blood dripping hate love scar

Published: September 10, 2024

'Hate Love'

I remember a time I was lost and found,
then lost and then found again.

When I was lost, I couldn't be found.
Engaged in a life no one could wake me from.
Only to save myself.

I was broken and alone,
I lost everything.
There was no way back home.
No one left there waiting for me.

I'm the child of somebody.
But there was nobody.
Whoever there was was but an IF.
A mirror, shadow, and the darkness behind it closed.
I kept myself warm with hope-filled cries.
In the corner of my eyes, blinking out the lies.

There is no real here; everything's fake.
Lighten the mood with a hollow feeling.
We all smile and lie down with our thoughts.

Settled the villainous to bury the victims.
The clock strikes to shameful acts and doesn't give a damn about tomorrow.
For the precise, pain is served to those whose destiny is left to taint.

Oh, I hate to believe in love.
Let the blade pierce its edges in what is tender to feel what is real.
I hate love.
Or does it hate me?


#hatelove #colouredlife #abandonment #damaged

The lost and found...

Pain is inevitable for certain people—those whose destiny seems to be marred or damaged.


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