'Breaking down childhood'
If you look at the story from an ignorant point of view you will find it quite stupid.
But have you ever to come know, searching affection and selfish attention.
A moment of pure joy and happiness with no doubt.
A gift shared with the art of giving and receiving.
As simple as pure love that stirs the caring heart.
Quite satisfied.
She enters her own world of self-exposed.
Over compensated.
Planetary experiences that brings answers to questions.
Beyond a child's mind and merely touched an adults concern.
She is given a power from within that show without.
One is humanly caught between the suicide thought of yes or no.
Be it light or dark.
Decide to right or wrong.
Although, difficult it is to choose.
It is as heavy as the option and as easy a mistake.
From the ebook
Only when I got older did I understand what happened to my childhood. I thought it was a figment of my imagination until I awoke to how life brought me here. It was then that my childhood spoke to me and this is what it said.
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